Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests Kit 1 Digital Holder And 20 Ovulation Tests


Get pregnant faster (1): at home urine test which pinpoints your 2 most fertile days, to maximise your chances of getting pregnant

Over 99% accurate at detecting the luteinising hormone (LH) surge. Hormones are a more accurate predictor of ovulation than basal body temperature (BBT), which only rises after ovulation

Easy to read: the only brand giving a unique digital ‘smiley face’ when it detects the LH surge in your urine, prior to ovulation

Once your LH surge is detected make love at any time during the following 48 hours to maximise your chances of getting pregnant

1 Digital Holder and 20 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test Sticks included

1 in stock

SKU: Clearblue 20 Tests-2017 Category: Pregnancy Tests
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